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The Theory of Economics...

..needs to be completely rewritten for a world where trade is diminished.   Not only is this required to predict the future from tariffs coming out of the United States, but it also makes sense to roll back globalism which is at odds with protecting the environment.  I will start my research tomorrow, 9 March 2025!

Beyond Blue Sky 2025 - Chapter 3b - Life!

Live life abundantly!  (John 10:10). What To Do About Climate Change? The fundamental problem is that carbon emissions are so inexorably linked to economic activity (IT, housing, agriculture, manufacturing, and transport) that reducing them and operating a 'green' economy is no small task.  Thinking negatively, economy derailment could be the solution - although to be positive the focus should be a major change along the continuum of slowing, stabilizing, and reducing CO2 emissions within a fully functioning economy, which runs counter to many environmentalists' thinking.  However, we definitely need a new economy based on a clean-energy future. We are, truly, in a Climate Emergency.  As outlined throughout, unless bold action is taken to change the economic system while carbon budgets allow, we may well be facing a long drawn-out equivalent of the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago - and certainly the worst set of circumstances since The Flood i...

Beyond Blue Sky 2025 - Chapter 3a

Dangerous Climate Change Based on the best available scientific evidence, it is clear that increases in CO2, and other greenhouse gases in CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent), which constitute F in the Kaya Identity (see earlier), result in temperature elevation.  The relationship between the two is known as climate sensitivity.  It is accepted by most scientists that a CO2 doubling (from pre-industrial 280ppm to 550ppm) will probably lead to a roughly 3C temperature rise.  The IPCC calculated a range of 1.5C and 4.5C depending on the emission scenario.  Unfortunately, this is far from exact since fossil records estimate that climate sensitivity could be as high as 6C (Hansen). Are temperature increases dangerous? The overriding consensus is a resounding yes.  There is no question that biomes, including pathogenic species, would survive and even proliferate.  The concern is that widespread ecosystem collapse would occur specifically concerning biomes on which ...