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Showing posts from March, 2024


The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee should keep interest rates on hold tomorrow.  High inflation is not out of the system just yet. 

Financial Reset

 Today, I'm sorting out my finances and doing a financial reset by changing the way I manage my money between different accounts. Overall, my net credit balance is £69.  1969 is the year my ex was born, and it was also Rob who helped me get out of debt when I lived in London by making sure I stuck to a budget and refinancing my loans on his mortgage.  That was very kind of him. Having said that, I also have a debit balance of £700 saved up towards my upcoming holiday.  I need to protect that over the coming month so I have enough to go away with.


5o years ago, Labour wrote the following in their October 1974 manifesto: We shall set up a National Enterprise Board to administer publicly-owned share-holdings: to extend public ownership into profitable manufacturing industry by acquisitions, partly or wholly, of individual firms; to stimulate investment; to create employment in areas of high unemployment; to encourage industrial democracy; to promote industrial efficiency; to increase exports and reduce our dependence on imports; to combat private monopoly; and to prevent British industries from passing into unacceptable foreign control. We need exactly the same again, 5o years later! 

Is Kate....

....DE AD?  (I'm sorry for posting this now we know of Kate's cancer diagnosis.  My thoughts and prayers in all sincerity go out to Kate, William & their family at this difficult time.  I wish her, and them, full health.)


I now have an extra £15 saved for my holiday in April. This is NOT a drill, according to Extinction Rebellion: I take on MY responsibility to solve Climate Change.  This time, it's not an Act - it's very much FOR REAL! To do so, I will need lots of help - starting with today's UK Spring Budget by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.  What environmental measures will it include?

Global Holiday

The UN should announce a new global holiday, for 14 July (Bastille Day) in honour of revolutions in favour of democracy. It would also honour my sister Stephanie (French) and my brother Dan (who was born on 14 July)! 

Super Tuesday

Today (Tuesday) is Super Tuesday in the US where voters in 15 states and 1 territory will decide who to nominate for candidate for their party in the Presidential Election due in November. They do this by electing delegates representing the favoured candidates. A minimum 1,215 delegates are needed to win the Republican nomination.  For Democrats the magic number is 1,968 according to the BBC. I had a brainwave at midnight!  For capitalism to survive and, better still, help solve climate change, it needs to transform into SHARING CAPITALISM to support a SHARING ECONOMY.  This will avoid the unnecessary and inefficient duplication of resources.  Collectively, we own far too much STUFF!


At the moment I am UN-well and not (in an emergency) fit for travel. Let's see how I am after Easter, which this year is at the end of this month - March.