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Showing posts from January, 2024

United States of Europe

A new alignment of 10 European Nations will shortly emerge, to become THE leading superpower in the world - surpassing even the United States and China.   Centred around a Holy Alliance between the Papacy in Rome and the mighty German economy, it will dominate trade globally.  London will, for a time, once again seek to influence. Key to the success of this United States of Europe will be securing oil and gas trade from the Middle East.  This will divert supplies away from other corners of the globe as concerns over climate change limit supply.


..won the New Hampshire Republican Primary yesterday (Tuesday) making him the undisputed leader of the Republicans ahead of Super Tuesday on 5 March.  Way To Go Trump!  Let's hope the small matter of a trial on 4 March does not get in his way! Meanwhile, this week marks the anniversary of Roe v Wade when abortion (=murder) was legalised in the US in 1973.  Since then, over 50 million babies have been killed.  Thankfully, the Supreme Court overturned that decision in June 2022.  Again, let's hope and pray Trump succeeds in order to uphold the new ruling.  Under liberal rules in New York, the practice had even bordered on infanticide!  How demonic!

The Bible & Murder

The Old Testament never sanctioned murder, contrary to popular belief, although the death penalty was in existence and just wars were sanctioned. The New Testament, a new covenant between God & spiritual Israel, made even hate towards one's brother a spiritual sin which ultimately carries with it the death penalty. God is the same, now and forever. If ever society comes to believe that The Bible is untrue and not worth the paper it is written on, then one grave consequence will be that there will be no remaining sanction against murder.  The Bible is the moral authority which has underpinned Western Civilisation for millennia. I dread the day it is abandoned in the name of 'progress'.


Under an incoming Labour Government, many strategic industries should be re-nationalised. There are already plans to create British Energy.  This concept can be widened to Home-Building, Insulation, Steel, Coal, Oil&Gas (to manage the decline in an orderly fashion), Rail, Buses, and Electric Car Infrastructure to name a few. There is even now a case to combat the exorbitant costs of telecoms and the roll-out of the 5G network.

Save Ukraine!

US & Germany: Save Ukraine!  From Wikipedia: Saint Barbara Foundation Stiftung Sankt Barbara Deutschland - Saint Barbara Foundation (SBF) is a humanitarian foundation registered in Germany. Since 1995 SBF clears landmines and ERW and supports different projects in rehabilitation and assistance for mine victims. Former countries of engagement were Angola, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somaliland, actually SBF is working in Libya. SBF's projects include landmine clearance, landmine awareness and victim rehabilitation.

Bank Rate

I warned last month that the Bank Rate should go up again to 5.5% to combat inflation. Today we learn that December's inflation rose to 4%: double the target. On February 1, the next meeting, the Bank Rate should INCREASE!