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Showing posts from June, 2024

Arbeit Macht Frei

Yesterday, I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. It was shocking to discover the true scale of evil first hand which gripped Europe during WW2 at the behest of the Nazis. Let's hope history does not repeat.  And yet, as fear of Climate Change grows the focus will turn to the globe's overpopulation.  That is to say, overpopulation by: - 1 Billion? - 2 Billion? - Many Billions? Or, put simply, is the death of even one, "One Too Many"? Life comes at "A Cost"

Cost Of Living Crisis

The UK is going through an acute Cost Of Living (COL) Crisis, not seen since the 1930s, and likely to persist no matter who wins the General Election on 4 July. Personally, I am on track to be left with just £500 in my bank account by year-end (31 December) and I consider myself to be one of the fortunate ones.  Others are yet worse off. My cousin (COL)in has it figured out: living Up North! There is a big inequality gap in the UK.  It is about time, the rich paid more to support the poor.  That's not communism or socialism; it's just common sense. Oh, and Happy Birthday Prince William! 42 today! 42 = The Meaning of Life!

Summer Is Nigh!

Summer begins at sunrise 20 June 2024 - the longest day of the year! Learn the Parable of The Fig Tree.    Could Christ Return in Jerusalem today? Leave London for Paris!

Pentecost 2024

This evening, at 21h44 GMT, marks the start of this year's true Pentecost - coming exactly 50 days after the High Sabbath during Passover Week.   All other dates are wrong. It marks both the beginning of the New Testament Church in AD 31, and the same date the Ten Commandment were given to Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai in the Wilderness. 50 days x 10 Commandments = 500 (phi). Come LORD Jesus, Come!  The Kingdom of God is At Hand!