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Showing posts from September, 2024


The LSE is good at Right-Wing Economics. ( Cambridge is still the BEST though I'm biased!) But, Durham and Oxford's MBA programs also come highly recommended. I can't vouch for Bristol .

Middle East

Events in The Middle East are unfolding rapidly RIGHT NOW! However, it is important to remember that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same God of Abraham. If only they could find common ground, peace could ensue! 


 God's Model Nation is Israel.  He is working first and foremost through this country to fulfill mankind's destiny.   However, a little-known fact is that the modern State of Israel in the Middle East comprises only 2 (Judah & Benjamin) of the tribes of Israel. The other Ten Lost Tribes have been forgotten in history.  Where they settled is of Paramount importance to understand The End Times.  Maybe Cambridge University can investigate?

Alien Invasion

I ordered my  Vicks First Defence Cold Virus Blocker Nasal Spray Bottle 15ml in time for the Alien Invasion on Thursday.   AI isn't Artificial Intelligence - it's code for Alien Invasion!

Worried Again

I'm now worried for the people of Lebanon.  I hope they can find safety, and that all foreigners can safely evacuate.   At the same time, Hezbollah needs to stop its aggression against Israel as a precondition for a truce in the fighting. Think of the children!

True Church

The Internet Church of God was created by The Royal Family in 2019 and contains some minor errors, albeit well-intentioned The True Church is The United Church of God.  Now, however, is NOT the time to flee to a place of Safety.  That is for a time in the Future. In the meantime, by all means, fellowship with t he Church of England. (In the United States of Europe, the Catholic Church will dominate). Those in the know can all re Lax for the next 8 hours 19 minutes.

Celestial Beings

They're not Stars in the Night - they're Angels looking down on Planet Earth we call Home. Apart from The Sun, of course, which is Jesus' warm glow heating us up. God Himself lives in the Heavenly North. I AM a Chartered Accountant. The Germans are Good with Money


 The West should show kindness towards The Middle East.  They uphold higher moral values than we do and, although at times they are too strict, they mean Wells.


Do people who use the pronouns (He/Him) and (She/Her) as well as (They/Them) think they are Gods?  Why do they capitalize?  London wokeness has gotten out of Hand!


 I will still be having s wine. You'll be glad of it when there's no food Left in the supermarkets for a while - so stock up! We also need to keep Oil & Gas despite what Climate Change protestors say.  It will be needed to keep the economy moving and the lights switched on.   However, not just Shell but also BP and Total!

Overcoming Satan

 The Way to Overcome Satan is not by going to Church.  It is to go on a hike in The Lake District .  Mind, make sure you have the right footwear and clothing - be warned: the weather can change in an instant!


Matthew 24:7 7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  


Tonight, on Friday 13th, I am removing my endorsement for Donald Trump for US President. I do not have the right to vote in the US Election on November 5.   The race to the White House should remain an open competition between Trump and Harris. Let the best of the candidates win! 


 It is TIME to disband NATO.  For far too long now, North America has been subsidizing Europe's security and at a great cost to itself.  Europe should step up and look after itself.

Charles III

King Charles is a good King.  His heart is in the right place and, when it comes to the environment he is on target.  He needs special protection.  (I need to sort thru my CD collection!).

Uneducated White Men...

...still have a LOT to offer society.  They are the backbone of the working classes, making things essential for the REST of US(A). This doesn't mean they can't still pursue their dreams but better themselves in the Land of Opportunity.  Setting up URL for example! ;)  My Dad, for example, didn't have a formal education and was forced to work with his hands to make a living.  However, he is a great man and knew instinctively how to bring a family up.

ABC News Presidential Debate

 This morning (UK time)'s US debate was fascinating. Both sides gave as good as they got.  The race to The White House now seems evenly divided. We must remember that the vote on 5 November should take place under free and fair elections, upholding the rule of democracy so enshrined in the US Constitution. May the best man win!

Holy Roman Empire

Immediately after The Rapture, some believe, The Holy Roman Empire will immediately be resurrected onto the world stage ushering in a period known in The Bible as The Great Tribulation - lasting 3 1/2 years which will witness the greatest distress known to nations the world has ever seen. Keep watching!  When it happens it will be all over the Internet!


 If Aunt Jen were to die, it would put her out of a lifetime of misery.  She frequently threatens to administer an overdose. Tomorrow is her step-father George's 101st birthday and the 2nd year memorial of the late Queen Elizabeth II's passing.

Coal... has finally been eliminated in the UK, after 140 years, according to the Financial Times today. Meanwhile, COP29 will take place between November 11 and 22 in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, this Fail. 

One Hundred

 I scored 100% in my life exams today! I Opt for Donald Trump to win the Presidential Election this November 5. Today, I'm also Opting Out of doing any further work for Outlier.  This week I earned a measly $4.66!