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Showing posts from October, 2024


 Wicked drinks contain a small amount of the street drug G which, especially if taken with alcohol can be fatal. They should be banned! I forgive Credissa Dick for my handling in 2008 when I was falsely imprisoned and forced to eat chilli-con-carne! ;)


I'm under House Arrest today simply for my Christian religious beliefs to try my best to Keep God's Holy Dates rather than one Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, Eid, or Diwali. While we're at it, I'm also stopping celebrating Birthdays not mentioned in The Bible.  The only time is when bad things happen such as with Herod issuing his command to kill all 2 year-old and under in the hope of killing the Christ Child.


Launching satellites is a waste of time and money, apart from the ISS which can be used to monitor Earth's weather.  They serve an interim purpose however and are useful for GPS and earth-imaging!


To encourage wealth creation and lower prices, Corporation Tax should be set at 20%, and VAT should be abolished. Any shortfall in public finances can be made up in other taxes


 I set my watch alarm for 4.41pm so I could watch the sunrise at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. However, it did not go off until an hour later, so here I now am waiting on the one in England.

Green Party

I have just become a Friend of The Green Party.  There is some way to go: their website needs updating for starters.  But it is also important that they work constructively with whichever government is in power to push the green agenda forward throughout.