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Showing posts from July, 2024

Happy Birthday Mum!

You would have been 75 years-old today!  How nice it would have been to share today with you.  However, I am glad for the short 21 years I did get to spend with you before you became ill.  You never lost your faith, and for that I am immensely proud.  Denied an education yourself, you strove for both me and my brother to stick-in and do well at school.  You will be pleased to know that we both ended up doing MBA's - myself at INSEAD, France, and Daniel at Durham, England. And we've both learned to speak some German - sorry, not French (your favourite!). For today, I bought a Tree of Life cushion cover from The British Museum for each of Aunt Jen and Aunt Lynne, your sisters who you were very fond of.  I hope you approve of me buying a reverse birthday presents so that they can celebrate your 75th with you in some small way! Lots of love, Stefan X 

1 August

 The Bank of England should reduce interest rates by 0.5% on Thursday 1 August when its MPC next meets.  There are too many people suffering in the UK right now with expensive mortgages. As an aside, yes - let's abolish 1Ps and 2Ps.  Inflation has now made them almost worthless.

Paris Olympics 2024

 I have just been watching the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics, held outside (along the River Seine) for the first time. All I can say is: Wow!  I already want to know where the Afterparty is taking place!


  On the first Sunday in 1934,  the Radio Church of God first aired . These broadcasts eventually became known as The World Tomorrow of the future Worldwide Church of God. Shortly thereafter, in February 1934, Armstrong began the publication of  The Plain Truth , which started out as a church bulletin. My budget for this year's Feast (90 years later in 2024) is exactly £1,934!

5-Year Plan

The current 5 sacred years (from April 9, 2024 to March 16, 2029) are CRITICAL. So too, is the term of the current UK Labour Administration. SEISMIC EVENTS will unfold during this time!


Kamala Harris is running for President against Donald Trump in the hope of being confirmed at the DNC on 19-22 August in Chicago. If elected, she will be the first Black American woman to hold the office. May the best man (or woman!) win!


Look up the book "Come On!" by Weizsacker and Wijkman published by Springer Verlag. It makes for interesting reading as a Report to the Club of Rome on Capitalism, Short-termism, Population, and the Destruction of the Planet. 


Despite today's setback with Crowdstrike, we MUST move forward at a PACE with IT EVERYWHERE! i.e. no more books, newspapers or magazines!


Biden is clearly no longer fit for office and should now step down with immediate effect and make way for a younger Democratic challenger to Trump.  Democracy should thrive in the USA. Praise God! 1 Corinthians 4:4-5 


...for EVERY Vote ! There was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, US President front-runner yesterday evening.  I condemn it unilaterally.

Twelve Years On!

Today , I got a copy of my medical records from 2012, the time of my second hospital admission for mental health. I have just had a brief look through the notes.  It seems that, in the intervening 12 years, not much has changed.  I still believe The End is Nigh.  The only difference is, we're 12 years closer to that happening! And what has changed in the meantime?  War with Russia.  War in The Holy Land.  Trump In, Out, and (hopefully in November) In again.   And a switch in the UK from Tory to Labour rule. But let's be optimistic.  The Bible says we must work for a living, and even with The End Nigh (which in fact is more accurately the End of The Age rather than the End of The World), we should not shirk in earning our daily bread.  The onset of Climate Change will require an upheaval in the economy with many new jobs being created (and old ones destroyed).  So too will Artificial Intelligence.  So let's roll-up our sleeves and get on with jump-starting a Green Economy!

Labour Win

Overnight, Labour Won a narrow victory, on 34% of the vote, in this year's General Election. Mostly, the votes went against the ruling Conservatives rather than for the opposition Labour party.  Labour will now have a mountain to climb to properly gain the trust of the British public. Notably, Reform UK (a new party) also did remarkably well in the popular vote whereas the Scottish National Party lost nearly two-thirds of its seats.


Wear!  By Strauss , sponsors of the Euros 2024 . With High Probability, who do YOU think will be in the Final on 14 July in Berlin ? At current rates of pollution, we are highly likely to exceed 1.5C warming by 2040 even given drastic measures which will need to start next year.  We can't wait for another General Election in 2029 to "make up our minds" on Climate Change - instead we will need to begin implementing robust plans as soon as possible. Whoever wins on Thursday here in the UK will need to roll up their sleeves and start the hard work of government straight away!


Today is HRH Princes Diana 's birthday.  She would have been 63 were it not for that awful car crash in Paris.  However, let's celebrate her life today and the countless ways she touched the lives of others.