Today, I got a copy of my medical records from 2012, the time of my second hospital admission for mental health.
I have just had a brief look through the notes. It seems that, in the intervening 12 years, not much has changed. I still believe The End is Nigh. The only difference is, we're 12 years closer to that happening!
And what has changed in the meantime? War with Russia. War in The Holy Land. Trump In, Out, and (hopefully in November) In again. And a switch in the UK from Tory to Labour rule.
But let's be optimistic. The Bible says we must work for a living, and even with The End Nigh (which in fact is more accurately the End of The Age rather than the End of The World), we should not shirk in earning our daily bread. The onset of Climate Change will require an upheaval in the economy with many new jobs being created (and old ones destroyed). So too will Artificial Intelligence. So let's roll-up our sleeves and get on with jump-starting a Green Economy!
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