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Showing posts from February, 2025


The Muslim month-long fast of Ramadan started this evening. Meanwhile, across The Pond in Washington, Zelensky met Trump to discuss security guarantees for Ukraine.   The meeting did not end well with Trump accusing Zelensky of gambling with WW3.

Beyond Blue Sky 2025 - Chapter 2b

Climate Sensitivity Quantifying temperature increase in relation to CO2 volume depends on 'climate sensitivity'.  Commonly, this refers to temperature increase resulting from CO2 doubling since the pre-industrial times atmospheric baseline of 280ppm to approx. 550ppm.  The IPCC models predict a range of 2C to 4.5C above 1900, with a best estimate of 3C.  As of June 2024, the world is currently at 427ppm and 1.55C above 1900. Although both temperature and atmosphere water vapor will continue to increase, specific impacts will depend on geographical location.  For example, higher latitudes together with mid-continental locations are expected to warm sooner and faster.  Also, high rainfall areas should get wetter contrasting drier drought-prone regions.  Much modeling is in progress to predict these regional impacts in greater detail, although we mustn't also forget that it is ultimately God who sends the rains.  The challenge of climate change, particula...

Every Little Helps!

 This afternoon, I got a food delivery from Tesco for £49.02 without an additional delivery charge being applied despite the order value being below £50.  This is because my original order was for £53.42. Included was a loaf of bread with a shelf-life of 1 March (Saturday), meaning I would have to buy fresh bread on Sunday. I wish the UK had more bakers, like in France!


Needless to say, The Holy Bible trumps science .  Remember The Ten Commandments! However, I strongly suspect a lie is embedded in the Scriptures.  Butt where?

Carbon Budget 6 for the UK

From Google's AI:  UK CFOs need to get a grip on this. According to recent reports from the Climate Change Committee (CCC), the chances of the UK achieving its Carbon Budget 6 are  currently considered "low" or "significantly off track"  due to a lack of sufficient policies and action across various sectors, despite the government's stated plans to meet the target;  urgent and substantial policy changes are needed to reach the required emissions reductions by 2035.   Key points about the situation: Ambitious target: Carbon Budget 6 aims for a 78% reduction in emissions by 2035 compared to 1990 levels.   Concerns from the CCC: The CCC has expressed significant concerns about the UK's current trajectory, stating that confidence in achieving the target has "markedly" decreased since 2022.   Areas needing improvement: Key sectors requiring more action include transport, buildings, industry, and agriculture, particularly in areas like electric vehic...

Fitness Regime

Month 2 Day 1! It is time to get fit!  Today, I signed up for the gym and swimming here in my hometown.  I plan on going swimming every morning Mon-Fri plus strength training twice a week.  I will start on Monday next week - the day Macron meets Trump in Washington. As Macron keeps saying, we in Europe need to "muscle up"! I also bought a Stagecoach month bus pass ready to activate when my disability pass expires on 9 March.  Apparently, I no longer meet the criteria.  However, it does seem fair given I will now be doing exercise to help with my mental health.  National finances are tight and I suppose savings need to be made somewhere. The fitness pass is costing £25pcm and the bus pass is just short of £60 for 28 days.

One Month of Trump - Beyond Blue Sky 2025 - Chapter 2a

Today marks 1 month of Trump's Presidency.  He is doing a great job! However, what is Climate Change? Since the 1970s much research has focused on global warming with the consensus that human activity is the most likely principal protagonist.  The IPCC, which was formed in 1988 to study the problem, predicted the likelihood as greater than 90% in its 4th Assessment Report (IPCC AR4, 2007).  The factors responsible are now well documented with the Industrial Revolution the genesis due to rural to urban migration, the introduction and adoption of coal-fired steam engines, and the concomitant release of CO2, whose atmospheric longevity equates to more than 100 years.  Following the West's lead, similar events are now taking place in modern-day China (together with India and the African continent) where massive rural-to-urban migration is leading to industrialization on an unprecedented scale. The Greenhouse Effect and its Causes Svante Arrhenius (1896) was the first to ...


The late Queen Elizabeth II never sought sainthood.  It is perhaps for this very same reason that, through her steadfast faith, she should be accorded such status now that she has passed. 

Beyond Blue Sky 2025 - Chapter 1

The Kaya Identity and IPAT Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is contributing to climate change by trapping solar infra-red rays within the atmosphere and, in turn, heating up the ocean and land temperatures.  Although other gases play a role, since 2000 the dominant gas is CO2.  CO2 is the biggest headache and therefore the focus in this blog. The 'problem' of climate change is immensely complicated but, at the same time, the solution is very simple - we need to stop emissions.  Without getting too involved in the contradictions surrounding the subject (and often hypocritical actions), the resolution can be simplified into one equation, the Kaya Identity, which was developed by a Japanese energy economist of the same name, Yoichi Kaya (1993): F = P * (G/P) * (E/G) * (F/E) = P * g * e * f where: F is global CO2 emissions from human sources P is the global population G is world GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and g = (G/P) is the global per-capita GDP E is global primary...


I quit being a DJ! From now on. I'm going to leave it to the professionals.  In order: 1. Sam Divine 2. Low Steppa 3. Carl Cox 4. Pete Tong 5. Fat Tony 6. Danny Howard 7. Joshwa UK 8. Carl Craig 9. Sven Vath 10. David Penn

Beyond Blue Sky 2025 - Foreword

Following the election of Donald Trump in the USA last November, some may think that the issue of Climate Change is now dead and buried.  This could not be further from the truth, with many leading scientists still warning that CO2 levels remain dangerously high and steadily climbing.  There is no doubt, in thinking minds, that Climate Change is well and truly upon us and that the time to act is NOW!  We can no longer afford to "wait" until we take action.  The time for delay is well and truly over. We all write about issues from our own particular world view point.  It is nearly impossible not to do so and the subject of Climate Change is no different.  I should, therefore, summarise my background and the setting that frames these book chapters to follow on my blog. As a teenager in the 1980s, I had a very religious upbringing in The Worldwide Church of God, which proved instructive in many ways.  As a consequence, a belief in God and The Holy Bible i...