The late Queen Elizabeth II never sought sainthood. It is perhaps for this very same reason that, through her steadfast faith, she should be accorded such status now that she has passed.
I bought a bottle of French Red Wine called Plan de Dieu from M&S yesterday - for Passover, although I am having one small glass now. God's Plan with Mankind has been in the making for the past 6,000 years but the final Endgame comes into full force this weekend ahead of the beginning of the Sacred Year this coming Tuesday, 9 April. Politicians and businessmen think they have a generation left to "solve" Climate Change, but God promises that "for the sake of the elect", "time will be cut short". This is not to give up hope - we will all be judged for our actions in these Last Days, and we are admonished to do all in our might not to destroy the Earth. ... Yesterday I went to Durham Cathedral for Evensong by St. Catharine's College Cambridge Girls' Choir. Before I went, I removed all the contents of my under-stairs cupboard ready to sort out. When I got home, to my surprise, there was a guide to Durham Cathedral in one of the boxes. Har...
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