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Beyond Blue Sky 2025 - Chapter 3b - Life!

Live life abundantly! (John 10:10).

What To Do About Climate Change?

The fundamental problem is that carbon emissions are so inexorably linked to economic activity (IT, housing, agriculture, manufacturing, and transport) that reducing them and operating a 'green' economy is no small task.  Thinking negatively, economy derailment could be the solution - although to be positive the focus should be a major change along the continuum of slowing, stabilizing, and reducing CO2 emissions within a fully functioning economy, which runs counter to many environmentalists' thinking.  However, we definitely need a new economy based on a clean-energy future.

We are, truly, in a Climate Emergency.  As outlined throughout, unless bold action is taken to change the economic system while carbon budgets allow, we may well be facing a long drawn-out equivalent of the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago - and certainly the worst set of circumstances since The Flood in Noah's Time.  There are real problems ahead: fire; flooding and loss of entire cities; drought; hundreds of millions of migrants; ocean acidification; increased disease; significant food shortages; and, probably, WW3 - that is, unless, Global Peace between nations can be pursued?

However, one thing as Christians we can be certain of is the imminent Return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to sort all these problems out.  We need to be ready at all times for His Return, but I can confidently predict that He will Return no later than The Feast of Trumpets (12 September) in 2026, which is on a Sabbath Day and the day following the 25th Anniversary of 9/11.  That gives us 18 months from now to prepare a blueprint for a better world.  In the meantime, we also should pray fervently and search the scriptures daily.  Christ may well Return earlier "for the sake of the elect", and key dates are Easter Sunday 2025 (the Day following Passover in the Jewish calendar); when summer is nigh this year; The Feast of Trumpets 2025, and Christmas Day 2025.  Christ, when he does Return, will appear in The Holy Land, and pious devotees would be well advised to be in situ.


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